Friday, September 17, 2010

Vegetarian Killers

Pol Pot - Vegan Despot and Mass Murderer

Pol Pot - a vegan - murdered some 2 million Cambodians in his lifetime.

Pol Pot wasn't just a killer. He also had organized an independent revenue source for the party in the form of rubber plantations in eastern Cambodia using forced slave labor.

His Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975. A new government was formed and the name of the country was changed to Democratic Kampuchea. Phnom Penh was full of refugees from the war. The new government drove all the refugees into the countryside without regard to the human consequences of their actions. Pol Pot also drew up death lists of former government officials who were to be executed on sight.

Out of a population of approximately 8 million, Pol Pot's regime exterminated one quarter, or almost 2 million people.

Hundreds of thousands of people were taken out in shackles to dig their own mass graves. Then the Khmer Rouge soldiers beat them to death with iron bars and hoes or buried them alive. A Khmer Rouge extermination prison directive ordered, "Bullets are not to be wasted." These mass graves are often referred to as The Killing Fields.

Charles Manson - Vegan Animal Rights Activist

Manson: "I did it for ATWA! Air, Trees, Water, Animals!"

Charles Milles Manson (born 1934-NOV-11) is a person with an unusual ability to dominate others. He assembled a destructive, doomsday cult around himself, which the media later called The Family. At one time, it numbered in excess of 100 individuals at the Spahn Ranch some 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles CA.

Manson was an environmentalist and animal rights activist concerned about damage to the environment and pollution. He once commented: "Your water’s dying. Your life’s in that cup. Your trees are dying. Your wildlife’s locked up in zoos. You’re in the zoo, Man. How do you feel about it?"

The Manson "Family" later perpetrated a series of murders which shocked and terrified the nation.

Volkert Van der Graaf - Vegan Assassin and Murderer

Volkert van der Graaf's extra-legal activities as an animal rights activist include at least two murders.

Volkert is the assassin of Pim Fortuyn. He shot Fortuyn on 6 May 2002, at 18:00 hours in Hilversum, The Netherlands.

He is also the sole suspect in the murder of Chris van der Werken, a civil servant responsible for environmental policy in the North Veluwe, an agricultural part of the country, where both Volkert and van der Werken used to live and work. Like Fortuyn, Chris van der Werken was shot in the back by the perpetually angry, cowardly van der Graaf.

Volkert was also a member of a group called the "Furious Potatoes" (De Ziedende Bintjes), a group that carries out illegal, violent actions against fur breeders, companies that carry out animal tests and firms that operate in a way that they consider environmentally unsound.

Volkert, like most vegans is extremely intolerant of those with an opposing point of view. Intolerant enough to kill them.

Adolf Hitler - Vegetarian Megalomaniac Mass Murderer

Many vegans and vegetarians try to deny the fact that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian, simply because they wish he wasn't.

Adolph Hitler became a vegetarian in 1932 upon the death of Geli Raubal. In 1928 Hitler asked his half-sister, Angela Raubal, to be his housekeeper. She agreed and arrived with her twenty-year old daughter, Geli Raubal. Hitler, who had now turned forty, became infatuated with Geli and rumours soon spread that he was having an affair with his young niece. Hitler became extremely possessive and Emil Maurice, his chauffeur, who also showed interest in Geli, was sacked.

The couple lived together for over two years. The relationship with Geli was stormy and they began to accuse each other of being unfaithful. Geli was particularly concerned about Eva Braun, a seventeen-year-old girl who Hitler took for rides in his Mercedes car.

Geli also complained about the way Hitler controlled her life On September 8, 1931, Hitler left for Hamburg after having a blazing row with Geli over her desire to spend some time in Vienna. Hitler was heard to shout at Geli as he was about to get into his car: "For the last time, no!" After he left Geli shot herself through the heart with a revolver.

When he heard the news Hitler threatened to take his own life but was talked out of it by senior members of the Nazi Party. One consequence of Geli's suicide was that Hitler became a vegetarian. He claimed that meat now reminded him of Geli's corpse.

Genghis Khan - Vegetarian Marauder and Rapist

Genghis KhanIt is said that one in 200 people on the planet carry the DNA of Genghis Khan - he was a prolific impregnator and rapist - when he wasn't murdering people.

His murder spree most likely began when he butchered his 13 year old brother, Bekhter. He is believed to have even poisoned his own son, Jochi. But at least he was a vegetarian!

Genghis Khan is said to have once killed 1,748,000 people in a single hour. But at least he did not eat animals.

Genghis did not only kill people...due to his prolific raping and procreational activities, his genes are the most widely spread in the world. Zerjal et al [2003] identified a Y-chromosomal lineage present in about 8% of the men in a large region of Asia (about 0.5% of the men in the world).

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