Friday, September 17, 2010

Vegetarianism and Militancy

Violent protest and militancy seem to go hand-in-hand with left-wing movements. Such movements are heavily populated by vegetarians and vegans.

Earth First! PETA and other militant organizations often will attack restaurants which serve meat such as McDonald's or KFC. Have you ever seen meat-eaters attack a vegetable stand? The majority of these protesters are vegetarians.

Animal rights activists (vegans) have been murdering and attempting to murder high profile individuals for decades and the press barely mentions the fact that they are left wing vegetarians.

Starting from Charles Manson (a vegan) and his girlfriend Squeaky Fromme (who attempted to kill President Ford) to people like Fran Stephanie Trutt who attempted to murder the president of US Surgical there has been a litany of vegan killer lunatics that continues to this day.

As we know, when it needs food, our body indicates this to us with the feeling of hunger. But there are also other signals if specific nutrients are deficient. Meat is the best source of several nutrients. When our bodies are deficient in these, we become irritable and aggressive. This is a perfectly natural signal built into our genetic make-up over our evolution: our bodies are telling us to go out and kill something to eat. This is why strict vegetarians tend to be so vociferous. It is a trait that was recognised long ago; it was, after all, the vegetarian Cain who killed the carnivorous Abel, not the other way round. The vegan Kikuyu tribe in Kenya were the perpetrators of the murderous Mau Mau in the 1950s, not their wholly carnivorous, but peaceful, neighbours, the Maasai.

When man made the transition from a hunter-gatherer to an agrarian who farmed the land, not only did he need to begin building fences, but this necessitated the conquest of more land and in place of slaughtering animals, he began slaughtering his fellow humans.

Many hunter-gatherer societies around the world were pushed to extinction by agriculturalists and farmers who ate a largely vegetarian diet.

Vegans and vegetarians will protest fast food chains and even butcher shops. Some of these protests have resulted in vandalism and worse. They protest the killing of cute little cuddly animals, yet these same protesters protest for abortion, or the killing of human babies!

But they are more moral than we are. Right.

So if it's wrong to kill baby animals, why is it right to kill baby humans?

Fine young vegans Do you think these young vegan lads could answer you?

The second sign which is partially obscured by the "Euthanize Christians" statement proudly says "Baby Killer".

Notice the lack of leather on these two vegans.

They are probably very kind to animals and the environment. From the looks of their scrawny physiques, they haven't eaten meat in ages. Judging from their display of aggressive militancy, one could safely conclude that they are vegans.

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